
DEMVE consists of two projects and a continuation project eDEMVE, which have the aim of designing and launching education and research services focusing on the IEC 61850 standard for Vaasa Energy Institute (VEI). A significant part of the project is the implementation of an IEC 61850 multi-vendor environment, which forms the best possible environment for education. The second project includes planning and piloting education around the multi-vendor environment. The third project aims to updating the environment with new equipment, including remote education and remote usage facilities.

The two projects started in August 2011 and are funded by the EU, communities and private sector. The total budget is 850 000 €. The projects are coordinated by Merinova and VAMK. Project partners are VAMK Vaasa University of Applied Sciences, Novia University of Applied Sciences and University of Vaasa. The eDEMVE project is currently going on.

DEMVE 1 is funded by the Regional Council of Ostrobothnia from the European Regional Development Fund.

DEMVE 2 is funded by Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment from the European Social Fund.

eDEMVE is funded by the Regional Council of Ostrobothnia from the European Regional Development Fund.

A great deal of expertise in the energy sector is concentrated in Vaasa. This is good when it comes to managing bigger systems. Some examples are the production of primary components of electricity distribution networks, protection and control equipment production and related energy system expertise, as well as specialist knowledge on renewable energy production. Vaasa has excellent potential for becoming a real energy hub due to the extensive industrial manufacturing and re­search in the field and because its energy in­fra­structure and operators are at such a high level even by international standards. Vaasa can truly profile itself internationally as a center of excellence in the area of smart electricity grids. However, this requires investments in related research and education. With the increase of distributed generation and smart grids, building your knowledge on how to apply the IEC 61850 standard is a good starting point for pursuing a reputation of an international forerunner.

Last updated May 18th, 2016